Apr 2, 2007


Tried to look up the word on the net but failed to find what I was looking for. What it was supposed to mean was that you are supposed to bungee jump into a river. Went to Corbett National Park for an adventure sports outing last weekend. Stayed in tents, swam in a fast and furious river, trekked in the forest..but slithering took the cake.

There was this creaking swaying suspension bridge (that looked about a 100 years old) where we were fitted with harnesses and ropes. Then you are supposed to lean back over the water while someone holds the rope and then lets go. After a free fall of about 3 seconds you crash into the river and go under.

Absolutely amazing experience man! Try it if you get the chance.


Scout said...

what if the rope snaps?

kaushik said...

If the rope snaps the nut cracks.

'Dar se maat daro' - what a line. But not for me.

Shuv said...

its supposed to have a breaking strain of 2 tonnes..and they make you sign a form anyways..

S said...

all that water? na na na! tho rafting on teesta had been fun *wistful nostalgic frown* :)

ghetufool said...

why you need the rope? the water goddess will not accept you. don't worry.