Jun 30, 2006

My last poem

a life without tears
a world full of laughter
a mind without darkness
a heart full of hope.

an day without boredom
a week without fear
a month without anger
a year well spent

a poetry with meaning
a blog without pretensions
a shuv who sticks to prose
your life without my ramblings


Shuv said...

when i started this 'piece' i really believed that after this is published the world will forget lenon's version..i have great faith in myself...but i think i need to do some soul searching and personal skill revaluation.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? The self-deprecation, the anguish of the soul, the self-loathing in the last verse is DEEP, man. That's the stuff poetry is made of. Or at least, that's what I have heard.
Personally, I never read the stuff.

Reminds me of a great back and forth from "SCENT OF A WOMAN" one of my all time fav movies, where Lt. Col. Slade takes young Simms to the OAK ROOM for dinner, and asks the young man if he would like a drink. In response, Simms says "No Thanks. I don't USE it". Slade says "What's USEFUL about it?"

I kind of feel the same way about poetry. But put a little music to it and it could become a great song - or at least one that could make it to your list of 'songs I can't stop humming today'

Anonymous said...

why 'last'? na peli appreciation, cheshta to korbi!!!

Shuv said...

thank you thank you thank you..thats all the impetus i needed..HUAAAAAAAAAAA

kaushik said...

DD's anecdotes makes me jealous. Howz it that I cant remember a single line from any book or movie.

Anonymous said...

Oh Kaushik,
Don't feel bad. I have only watched that movie about 13 times (maybe second to "My cousin Vinny")

Shuv said...

kaushik i can recite ENTIRE sonar kella and goopi gayne and sections of most of manik's movies verbatim..if u cant, its high time u start spending your evenings more fruitfully.

kaushik said...

By the way.. Can I have a copy of the entire classic Bengali set. Please can u organise this? Please.

Shuv said...

hmmm..shall i draft a will? u may not have to wait long..otherwise, need to arrange for a burner.

Anonymous said...

why did you escape the word 'love'
dear friend?

how about

a heart full of love,
a life full of freedom
a friend full of warmth,
and a mind full of nothingness??