Jun 30, 2006


Read this and be ashamed. This is what we have achieved over a million years of evolution. What went wrong? What circumstance can drive a man to do this to his fellow man?

I, of course, have all the answers. If u ask me about africa (please ask me) i think it went horribly wrong when the white man came and tried to civilize the continent. When i was in Nigeria i had read Chinua Achebe where he had described how the social structure of a village is destroyed when a missionary comes with his concepts of religion, democracy and western society laws. Read 'Things Fall Apart' if you get the chance. It will give you a different picture of what 'civilization' has done to the human race.

I think the word 'humanity' should be scrapped from the dictionary now..or at least, redefined.


Anonymous said...

You may be wondering - when I write something about the World Cup, or about our recent vacation, or about great places to get great food, I get tons of responses, and when I write about something of this magnitude, NOTHING?

It's just that in this shitpot of a world, one always holds out a certain degree of hope in the basic good that is supposed to go along with 'humanity', and then, when we read about something this vile, it just sets us back all the way to square one and our conviction that we're animals after all. This is far too depressing a realization to be at peace with, and so much easier to write back on something nice and fluffy (like your going mad for example)

I have to disagree with you to a certain extent about the white man screwing up Africa and its people. While I agree that white greed (they themselves used to refer to it as 'enterprise' and 'adventurousness') has done much to screw up things all over the globe, the black man has to take final responsibility for what's happening in countries like the Congo, and Rwanda and Somalia. The big problem is that the perception of the West is that there in not much there worth saving, and so the rest of the world is just looking on. Oh, some of the billionaire entertainer celebrities are doing the occasional concert - baring a tit or shaking an ass here and there - and Richard Gere is always mentioning Tibet every time a mike gets shoved in his face. But basically no one cares!

We just have to wait until Africa basically self-desctructs and then we can have a lottery about wo claims what and start fresh.

Shuv said...

of course the africans themselves are to blame. its like a dopehead accusing the peddler on his deathbed. admittedly the final responsible lies with the addict, but if the peddler was not there in the first place would he have died?

more than the white man's greed i think that his was his deep rooted belief that the entire world should follow the white way that ruined africa. the tribal system would have worked i feel. otherwise, in south africa, for example, the predominant zulus will eat up the rest. and then there will be quotas. and then there will i dont know what. they had co-existed peacefully for thousands of years before democracy came and screwed it all up (IMHO)