Jul 4, 2006

With apologies to none

A very close friend of mine, a regular reader of my blog, a guy totally opposite in character to me has been increasingly concerned regarding the sheer negativity of my attitude (in life in general and in this blog in particular) and cynicism. His standard question to me after one of my monologues is 'Is there anything in life that you like'? Agreed with him completely..until yesterday, when the 'Madness' post proved too much for him and he send me a link to a blog of a couple who blog together, sharing their favourite songs, travel plans, inform the readers how they miss each other and how they enjoyed their family function.

Here is my response to that..and to everyone else who feels that way about me:

ok..let this be a litmus test between your optimism and my cynicism. if u know them and follow their lives let me know what happens..not what they write in their blog but what actually happens (if u get to know about it that is)

and by the way..i am sorry but i hated the blog..reminded me of sooraj barjatiya..he will be happy in bombay..with his hindi love songs and walking thru waist high water with floating shit. i found the blog totally depth-less, in total disconnect with the real world.

by the way..i have had a great life...people who know me know how much i love life..thats why i try and collect experiences as varied as i can possibly can. i dont know anyone personally who has as many good memories as i have. when i die it would be without regrets. my blog is a place for all the other things in life..all the fuck ups and all the crap that is making this world a screwed up place. the REAL world is somewhere between the blog you sent and my blog.

its anybody's choice what their reading material should be like. an electric shock or a sugar coated sleeping pill. and that's all right with me.



kaushik said...

Thats the way to go.. There are some people who big talk on positivity etc.. But there are the real cynics. All u need to peep behind the veneer and u should how they disintegrate.. Remember our dear RIP who has now another secret ID called Westnile...

Shuv said...

thank god! u dont know how much of a relief that is..i seriously thought you had lost it..people usually do after marriage...that 'even for a change' was a nice touch..actually made me blush...

Anonymous said...

dearest kaushik, you are too naive(and young) to understand me.i am sorry.
do not even try.

intellectualism is knowledge without experience.

all i can tell u is , i hv been thru lots of negative patches in my life,and i somehow identify the cynical attitude that has been born in shuv. at the same time i had managed to come out of it..following a particular philosophy...but if i know shuv correctly,he would never take an opinion from an outsider,even if it is a first hand one.

oh, one more thing ,i love my id pal. i dont need to change it