Aug 4, 2006


my cynicism triumphed. The past month was spent in hectic work, the drying up of posts must have proved that. It was a time when I actually felt I was doing meaningful work, part of a team of dedicated guys working together to surmount a major challenge.

it all came crashing down yesterday..wont bore everyone with the details...but i am finally convinced that we indians are generally a bastard race. and i have sworn that before i quit i will write a mail to Sam Palmisano our CEO, telling him exactly what's going and advicing him to take his shop elsewhere.

sorry bubai..couldn't come up with a positive post even this time.


ghetufool said...

"...i have sworn that before i quit i will write a mail to Sam Palmisano our CEO"
don't do that bastardly act, please.
the day they realise the fact, we will find ourselves suddenly jobless.

Shuv said...

hmmm..which means u will have all the time in the world to write on your blog...thats all right with me ghetu.

kaushik said...

Well, no wonder I was out of the heap for some days. And here is this post...

Wud like to know the reason offline...

Its almost break off point at my end.. But thats the subject of my next post.